
EFIEES has been the European partner of the QualitEE Project.

Funded by the Horizon2020 Programme, QualitEE was a research and innovation project that aimed to increase investment in energy efficiency services in the building sector within the EU and improve trust in service providers. The project ended in June 2020 and developed quality assessment criteria implemented in quality assurance schemes.

QualitEE builded upon the Transparense project, which had established the European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting in 2014. The code defined the basic values and principles that are considered fundamental for EPC projects and represents an important first step to increasing transparency and trust for these services. However, the code does not provide the assessment criteria or verification procedures that are required to enforce the quality of EPC. The QualitEE project looked to address this, whilst broadening the scope to include a wider range of energy efficiency services.

Final Report

QualitEE’s final report summarises the documents and deliverables written and published during the project’s lifetime, including an updated analysis of EPCs and ESCs European markets  and a description of the work done on national quality assurance schemes in each country covered by the project.

The report also draws the following conclusions on the project

Traceable quality is a push factor for EES market growth

Quality in EES projects can be clearly defined

Reliable and verifiable quality criteria are useful for financing of EES projects

Heterogeneous quality assurance schemes reflect local peculiarities of EES business

Quality assurance schemes for EES require public support


The QualitEE project has carried out extensive research, as well as consultation with key experts and stakeholders in the energy efficiency services market. Key outcomes from this work have been published, and made available for download, to support the uptake and development of quality assurance for energy efficiency services.

European Quality Assessment Criteria

The focal publication is a core set of Quality Assessment Criteria for energy efficiency services harmonised across Europe, and with nationally focussed additions.

Financial Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Services

This document presents quality criteria relevant for financing of energy efficiency services (EES). It aims to establish a common understanding for the assessment of bankability of EES projects targeting at financial institutions, energy service companies and clients. On the one hand, financial quality criteria help financial institutions to assess the bankability of EES projects. On the other hand, the criteria support the project developers to prepare and implement their project in a way that facilities financing.

European Report on the Energy Efficiency Services Market and Quality

It is one of the most in depth and focussed studies of European Energy Efficiency Services (EES) markets to date. The report reviews the current status of quality assurance for EES in the 15 European countries covered. In each case it is recommended that further action is required to develop and implement quality assurance schemes to overcome existing lack of trust in service providers and low customer demand.

Country Reports

National reports on energy efficiency services markets, finance and quality have been developed for 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom.

Business Models for Quality Assurance

In the report, 10 shortlisted business models – selected by QualitEE partners from a long list of 84 – are presented, described and analysed. The aim of the report is to inform the development of functioning quality-assurance business models for energy efficiency services across Europe.

Business Models for Quality Assurance

In the report, 10 shortlisted business models – selected by QualitEE partners from a long list of 84 – are presented, described and analysed. The aim of the report is to inform the development of functioning quality-assurance business models for energy efficiency services across Europe.

Find out more about the QualitEE project on the project website : https://qualitee.eu/