EFIEES Co-signs a letter to call to align Horizon Europe Budget with the European Green Deal
Along with 21 other organisations, EFIEES has sign a letter reminding that in no circumstances should…
EFIEES co-organised web policy session at EUSEW 2020 on Renovation Wave
This web policy session was part of the extended programme of the EUSEW – European Sustainable Energy…
QualitEE final press release: Foundations laid for EU Quality Assurance Schemes to increase the uptake of Energy Efficiency Services
The European Green Deal sets out the ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by…
EFIEES co-signs a letter calling for fair co-financing rate for the LIFE Programme
EFIEES and 15 other organisations have co-signed a letter asking LIFE commitee and the EU…
EFIEES co-signs EU Green Recovery letter to policy makers
EFIEES and 36 European associations representing energy efficiency and renewables value chains have sent a…
Press Release: EFIEES welcomes the Climate Law and calls for a full engagement of the energy efficiency sector on the way to climate neutrality
Today, we welcome the Commission’s proposal on the Climate Law, inserting in the EU…
Press Release: EFIEES welcomes the European Green Deal and is ready to engage with the new Commission
EFIEES welcomes the European Green Deal and its focus on the need to primarily enforce the…
Joint-letter on Energy Communities in Clean Energy Package Transposition
In view of upcoming transposition guidance by the European Commission on the provisions related to…