EED Trilogue – EFIEES signs a joint briefing paper on EU Primary Energy Factor calculation methodology for electricity
The EU Primary Energy Factor for Electricity (EU PEF) value of 2.0, proposed by the…
Joint Letter: EU Primary Energy Factor for Electricity: Key for Efficient and Renewable Heat in Europe
In a joint letter co-signed with AEBIOM, COGEN Europe, EGEC Geothermal, Euroheat & Power and…
EFIEES calls for a balanced approach coherent with the “Energy Efficiency First” principle in view of the start of the EED and RED trilogue negotiations
Ahead of trilogue negotiations on Renewable Energy Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive, EFIEES: Calls for…
Press Release – EFIEES welcomes the European Parliament’s clear and balanced stance towards energy efficiency and renewables
EFIEES welcomes the outcome of the vote which took place on the 17th January 2018…
EFIEES’ meeting in Rome hosted by Italian member AssoESCo
On the 23rd November 2017, EFIEES held its members’ meeting in Rome, hosted by its…
Press Release – EFIEES welcomes the European Parliament’s ambitious position on the EED and RED
EFIEES, representing energy efficiency service companies (EESCs) across Europe, welcomes the votes of the Industry…
EFIEES’ position paper on the ‘Clean Energy Package’ revision
EFIEES welcomes the draft reports presented by the rapporteurs and the several amendments tabled by…
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017 – EFIEES presents concrete solutions to boost energy efficiency services markets
On the 22nd June 2017, EFIEES co-organised with eu.ESCO and EU-ASE a conference entitled “Boosting…