Our Members

Our members are private European energy service companies (ESCOs) and their national associations. Together, they represent over 100.000 professionals over 9 European countries committed to designing and implementing energy efficiency measures in public and private buildings and industrial facilities. Several members are also engaged in the efficient operation of district heating and cooling (DHC) networks.

These services contribute to delivering the climate and energy transition through energy savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.



Febetec is a national association representing ESCOs in Belgium.


Veolia Czech Republic is a company, part of the Veolia group, that notably provides energy management solutions.


FEDENE brings together building services, equipment and energy infrastructure companies in the fields of energy and the environment in France.


Veolia Hungary is a company, part of the Veolia group, that notably provides energy management solutions.


ASSOEsco is a national association representing ESCOs in Italy.


Equans Nederland, part of Equans worldwide group, is a leader in energy management solutions, making impact in the energy and digital transitions.


Veolia Poland is a company, part of the Veolia group that notably provides energy management solutions.


ARPEE is an association representing Romanian companies that provide energy efficiency solutions.


SZVT is the Slovak heat producers association.

Our Partners

EFIEES is involved in several coalitions and initiatives that promote energy efficiency:

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