EFIEES proudly announce its vision for the Fit for 55 package and ask the co-legislators to scale up energy efficiency actions to reach the Union’s climate- and energy ambitions.

To reach the ambitions, the role of energy efficiency is crucial, in the heating and building sectors in particular, which stand for a large share of the Union’s energy use.

In our examination of the Fit for 55 package, we have been focusing on the revision of key energy legislation, namely the: Energy Efficiency Directive, Renewable Energy Directive, EU Emission Trading System, Effort Sharing Regulation, Energy Taxation Directive, and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

In these revisions, we welcome the raised ambitions, new and more stringent instruments, and increased support for heightened targets. However, as a general observation, we believe that the Energy Efficiency First principle should be mainstreamed further across the entire package, and that additional resources are needed to meet the higher ambitions

Our demands are regrouped under four headlines:

  • Prioritising decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector.
  • Massifying energy efficiency actions across all sectors.
  • Ensuring rigorously a just transition.
  • Strengthening coherence and guaranteeing proper implementation.

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