In December 2023, the European Commission assessed the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) submitted by 21 Member States. If the analysis of the plans by the Commission proves to be “generally positive”, it pointed out some shortcomings.
Indeed, the sum of the total national contributions submitted to reach the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) recast target of a 11.7% reduction of the energy consumption would not put Member States on a trajectory to fulfill their commitment, only achieving a 5.8% accumulated reduction. The Commission also stressed out the fact that policies and measures remain for most Member States not detailed enough in terms of funding, costs and impacts on energy and emission savings.
Building on this assessment, EFIEES also reviewed the draft updated NECPs and found that energy management solutions as well as Energy Performance Contracts (EnPCs), provided by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) are not sufficiently integrated into the plans. We believe that Members States should better integrate these solutions in their draft updated NECPs, notably to support buildings renovation policies, to decarbonise heating and cooling strategies, and to ensure that the new energy efficiency and energy savings targets introduced by the EED recast will be reached.
To help Member States make the best possible use of energy management solutions and achieve their objectives, EFIEES recommends the following actions:
⭐ Improve the uptake of energy management solutions and Energy Performance Contracts (EnPCs) in the public sector
⭐ Improve the uptake of energy management solutions and Energy Performance Contracts (EnPCs) in the private sector
⭐ Build up awareness of energy management solutions and workers’ skills