In March 2021, we have submitted our answer to the Eu Commission’s consultation on the roadmap for EPBD review.
In light of the renewed climate ambition for 2030 and of the long-term climate neutrality goal, EFIEES welcomes a possible review of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), in line with the objectives and actions announced as part of the Renovation Wave.
Moreover, as buildings are expected to play a critical role in the decarbonisation efforts which will be required in the years ahead, it is important not only to ensure that the EPBD adequately contributes to the achievement of the EU’s climate and energy objectives, but that it is fully consistent with the entire legislative framework which is going to be addressed by the “Fit for 55 Package”, notably the EED, RED, ETD, ESR and a possibly extended EU ETS.
Finally, a proper implementation of existing legislation remains key and should be further secured.
We thus took this opportunity to highlight the following elements
- Consider dynamic energy performance and promote effective energy management
- Link energy and environmental performance, possibly on a district scale